Commercial Services

Pest risk Assesment/ IPM Program

We, Go Green Hygiene Services provide integrated pest management services in which we work towards risk management by utilizing proactive control method. Proactive control method consist of combination of good sanitation procedures and extensive monitoring. Using the Integrated Pest Management services, you can mitigate potential pest infestation eventually saving your business cost in the long run.

Go Green Hygiene Services has gained its knowledge to offer better pest management services with professional staff. IPM at Go Green Hygiene Services is a partnership between us and our customers.

Why do you need IPM?

  1. Detection of potential pest problem reduces the risk of infestation
  2. Monitoring of pest trend helps determine the right dispersion of pesticides
  3. Proper identification of pest allows correct deployment of service plans
  4. Minimize disruption to daily operations
  5. Avoid introducing new pest into the premises

At Go Green Hygiene Services, we work closely with you to fully understand your business requirements to develop a sustainable IPM program. We distinguish ourselves by conducting a thorough risk assessment of your site to identify potential pest problems that are then incorporated in our planning, regular monitoring, and decision-making. Besides that, we are familiar with many industry regulations and auditing standards to better support you in your supply chain risk management.